How to be found on Google search

How to be found on Google

You may have a business that you are proud of, one that’s getting attention. But if it’s not among the top results on Google, you’re missing out on a greater audience that might be interested in what you offer.

Regardless of how well your business is doing, you always need to work proactively on how people will find you online. It’s important because every time we hear of a new business that spiked our interest, the first thing we do is search it on Google.

Google owns 92.48% of the search engine market share, hence even more reason to improve your SEO. Here are some tips on improving your business’s visibility on Google.

How to get found on Google search

Submit your website to Google

You’ve worked hard on your website and perfected it to the dot, so now it’s time to invite the world to see it. Simply hitting the publish button won’t do the job for you. Billions of pages are crawled daily, indexing the content and using hundreds of criteria to do that.

To speed up the process and get Google to notice you, submit your website URL to them. This will quicken the process and get you on the map faster.

Use relevant Keywords and Meta Tags

Keywords are one of the most important criteria used when crawling and indexing sites. They help search engines understand the business and how to rank it in search results.

When deciding on keywords, keep your target audience and niche in mind. If you are having trouble selecting keywords, you can always turn to Google Keyword Planner to assist you with learning what the audience is searching online.

The best way to inform people about your site content and why they should join you is through meta tags, which can increase your CTR (Click-Through Rate).

Use local directories

Local business owners need to put effort into informing the local community of their existence. There is an increased online search for businesses nearest to us, and this is a chance you cannot miss.

Optimise your page by including information like accurate contact information, business hours and business location. It is recommended you add a map of your location.

Make sure your website is mobile friendly

Every business must have a mobile-friendly website. With the increased use of smartphones and people being on the move constantly, it’s only logical that you create a mobile site. There are even more mobile site views than desktop views.

Google favours mobile-optimised sites, so create content that looks good on any screen size and loads fast. Use micro-moments to address your audience’s immediate needs.

Work with digital marketing experts

Being noticed and ranking on top on Google takes time and resources if things are done the right way. But some businesses may not have the time, resources, or knowledge to do the job correctly.

You can always contact experts to help you develop and implement a strategy to increase your chances to be found on Google. Vaccoda will help boost your business’s online visibility; we create awesome websites for businesses in the UK, generating streams of new website visitors and sales.

Contact us today on or dial 0208 776 0400 to discuss your Search Engine Optimisation requirements in more detail.

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How to be found on Google
Learn how to get your business among the top-ranking Google search results. Contact Vaccoda to help increase the online visibility of your business.
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