Should You Choose A Website Development Company Or A Freelancer

Web development company or freelancer?

Web development company or a freelancer – which should you choose?

So you have come to the conclusion that your current website is old and in need of updating or replacing, or perhaps you are going it alone and have setup a brand new business and part of your startup process is to get a nice new website built. You now have two options to choose from – the services of an individual freelancer or using a web design company.

If you’re not sure whether to go down the freelance route or appoint the services of a web design company, then consider the thoughts in the infographic below, courtesy of Go-Golf.

Web Development Company Or Freelancer
Web development company or freelancer?
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Web development company or freelancer?
Do you find yourself torn between using a web development company or freelancer? This infographic will help give you some clarity when making your decision.
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