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Snapchat marketing for beginners! Top tips to help you promote your business

Snapchat marketing! Share ‘of-the-moment’ snaps with your customers!

Since the creation of the Snapchat platform 5 years ago, over 200 million active users enjoy Snapchat daily and are fascinated by 10 second shapshots. We have watched Snapchat go from strength to strength and develop into what it is today.

With a huge 9000 snaps taken and shared every second and the millions of users it boasts, its easy to see why Snapchat is worthy of a place in the social media marketing strategy of any business.

With so many people checking and using Snapchat frequently, business owners are now captialising on the power of Snapchat and what it can do for them.

The infographic below by M2 On Hold gives you a detailed overview on what you need to do to get started on Snapchat and build an audience.

Snapchat Marketing - The Ultimate Guide
Snapchat marketing for beginners! Top tips to help you promote your business
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Snapchat marketing for beginners! Top tips to help you promote your business
Why not use snapchat marketing for your business? If you are unsure on how to use it, this infographic will explain what you need to do!
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