Could you go it alone and run your own business?
Many people dream of having their own business – the idea of being your own boss, calling the shots and being able to pick and choose the hours you work is all very alluring, but it really isn’t just a case of sitting back and watching the customers line up for your products or services and profits roll in.
Running a business can be extremely rewarding but it can also require a lot of dedication in terms of both time and energy, working long hours and in some instances a lot of solitary time with little or no interaction with others if you are a one-man band.
According to studies, 41% of business owners have invested all their money in their business and 43% of business owners go without a holiday year after year to ensure their business has longevity.
As a business owner you have to wear many different hats, from sales and marketing, design, admin and more besides.
Being a business owner is a big commitment but one which can have equally high rewards. For further insight on the potential stresses involved in running a business take a look at this infographic by Constant Contact.
Are you ready for the challenge?