Get More Twitter Retweets

How to get more Twitter retweets

All about retweets!

When used wisely, Twitter retweets can often lead to far more influence, many more followers and a marked increase in your web traffic. According to statistics, there are over 550 million active Twitter users as of April 2013, with 58 million new tweets daily and in excess of 135,000 new Twitter users every day … that is a lot of Twitter retweets!

Retweeting content is a great way to share topical, interesting and engaging content to your followers, and if you are retweeting someone elses content, it is a great way of supporting others through creating awareness of their business, product or service.

Your potential reach on Twitter is huge and sharing good information with bold headlines, calls-to-action and enticing snippets of info are vital in attracting your followers and gaining a Twitter retweet from them!

Sometimes people will type ‘RT’ (meaning ReTweet) at the beginning or end of their tweet to encourage others to retweet their post, or that they are retweeting someone elses content to signify that they are quoting another users Tweet.

Retweets made by other people you follow will appear in your timeline, likewise if your Tweets a retweeted you will receive notification of this, showing you who retweeted your content.

The infographic below shows you how to get more Twitter retweets and lots of hints and tips on the best times of the day to tweet, the best phrases to use and much more!

Infographic Guide To Getting Twitter Retweets
How to get more Twitter retweets
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How to get more Twitter retweets
Twitter retweets are a great way to share news and information and to engage with other Twitter users, but how do you retweet? Our blog explains all!
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