5 SEO Facts To Help You Understand Your Journey

Five quick SEO facts to help you understand your SEO journey

By now, it’s obvious that every business needs an online presence (and if you’re still not convinced, it’s time to take our word for it). A huge part of having an online presence is SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation; a process that improves the quality and quantity of organic (unpaid) traffic to your website by maximising the website’s visibility. Here are five kind-of-fun facts that will help you begin to understand how the process works, and why it is needed.

SEO Is Key To Success

Fast SEO facts…

1. Google is the first port-of-call
The first place you turn when making a new purchase? That’s usually … (always) … Google, we reckon. A staggering 68% of all online transactions and activities begin with a search engine, meaning that if your website is not showing in a prominent place on that search engine, all the lovely business will be going to your competitors.

2. The most used search engine is …
The most used search engine is Google, which held 86.6% of the search engine market in 2019. This means that your SEO strategy will need to be optimised for Google’s algorithm. To put this in perspective, its closest competitor is Bing, celebrating its piddly 6.7% share of the global market. And to keep us on our toes, Google implements 500 – 600 changes to its algorithms each year.

3. Paid-ad … or not paid-ad
Between 70 and 80% of Internet users ignore paid ads, driving home the importance of optimising your website to be found via organic searches. That little Ad sign at the top of search results? Ignored by up to 80% of users. Harrumph.

4. An SEO and blog love affair
Blogging is boss — a website with a blog gets 434% more indexed pages than a website without a blog, making marketers who blog an impressive thirteen times more likely to get a return on their investment.

5. SEO is the strongest lead-generator
14.6% of leads generated by good old SEO are converted into sales, compared to the teeny 1.7% conversion rate of strategies such as email campaigns and print advertising (remember print?). Thus, we can conclude that website visitors who find you via an organic search are far more valuable than those who find you via other marketing strategies, as the SEO magic makes them more likely to spend money (and making money is, after all, the aim of the SEO game).

Want to explore SEO in more detail?

If so, why not give us a call, or get in touch with us for more information. We can talk through SEO with you and explain how it can help your business in a no-obligation call or email – whichever you prefer! Call us on 020 8776 0400 or send us a message!

Five quick SEO facts to help you understand your SEO journey
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Five quick SEO facts to help you understand your SEO journey
Struggling to get to grips with SEO, or why you even need it? Our quick-read tips will help you to decide!
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