
Facebook tips for beginners

How to use and manage your Facebook account

One of the very first Social Media platforms to be created, Facebook connects over 1 billion people every day, who like and comment collectively over 3.2 billion times every day! (data provided by Facebook).

When your business is using Facebook to promote its product(s) and/or service(s) you are utilising one of the most powerful kinds of adverting – word of mouth marketing (in a digital sense) and recommendations between friends.

Our Facebook top tips!

  • Encourage new and existing customers to like and share your Facebook profile by offering incentives, discounts and special offers to all Facebook Fans.
  • Make it easy for new fans to follow you – include your link to Facebook in your email signature, on business cards, letterheads, all advertising and anywhere else that your potential audience will find you.
  • Make sure that all business information is up to date on your Facebook profile – if your profile does contain outdated business information it will deter people. Likewise, make sure that your business description is snappy and easy for your customers to understand.
  • Add your logo and a good cover photo that represents your brand and showcases your product or service. This will be the first thing that people see when visiting your page so make it good!
  • Add product / services images to your gallery – people love to look at pictures and it will really help to sell your product or service.
  • To get the sharing ball rolling, promote your business page to all your friends – this will help to widen your social reach to their friends, and so on.
  • Post quality content on a regular basis! I cannot stress this point enough – people will grow bored of visiting your Facebook profile if it contains the same old content as before, so make your posts/content relevant to your audience/business, include videos and photos, ask questions or seek input and opinions, give exclusive offers or specials to your fans and be timely by posting about current events, holidays or news.
  • Finally, ALWAYS make sure you respond to people’s questions or comments and always answer messages – that person could be your next paying customer so don’t lose them by ignoring messages or not giving a swift response.
Facebook tips for beginners
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Facebook tips for beginners
If you are new to Facebook or not sure how to use it, our blog provides you with loads of top tips and advice on how to get the very best out of Facebook!
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